Who I am...

Just more rambling from yet another homeschooling mom. I hope that I can honestly share my struggles and triumphs in this journey. I would love to inspire and encourage others, because if I can do it - so can you!!


schooling, cooking, baking, studying, working, photographing, eating, writing, playing, learning, praying, loving, imagining, creating, crying, hugging, laughing, giggling, mess-making, sleeping

New Colors!

How's this? Gone is the blazing red, and welcome is the soothing teal. Now if I could only figure out how to add the purty background pattern . . .

Edited to say . . .
Figured out the background and changed the picture. I am trying to figure out a way to get a rotating picture up there just to make it more exciting :)

I'd love to hear your opinions about the changes!!


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