Who I am...

Just more rambling from yet another homeschooling mom. I hope that I can honestly share my struggles and triumphs in this journey. I would love to inspire and encourage others, because if I can do it - so can you!!


schooling, cooking, baking, studying, working, photographing, eating, writing, playing, learning, praying, loving, imagining, creating, crying, hugging, laughing, giggling, mess-making, sleeping

Water water everywhere

Let's see . . . I have been watering the new little seeds 3 times a day. We went to the YMCA to swim again, and the water play area was a blast!! That waterslide was so much fun! The kids had a great time, and probably never would have gotten out of the pool if we hadn't been forced to leave :)

Today, in just a few minutes, we are heading to the outdoor splash playground. This time about a million gallons of suntan lotion will be required! I am excited because I am meeting a long lost friend and her little boys, someone I haven't seen since I was probably 8 years old!

We are actually getting some little sprouts in the grass as well. I don't think we are going to get full coverage in the yard, but it should be better than it was before. Its been a good week, even if it has been a bit crazy.

I am SO very sleepy, I am hoping that the water will wake me up a bit :)


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