Who I am...

Just more rambling from yet another homeschooling mom. I hope that I can honestly share my struggles and triumphs in this journey. I would love to inspire and encourage others, because if I can do it - so can you!!


schooling, cooking, baking, studying, working, photographing, eating, writing, playing, learning, praying, loving, imagining, creating, crying, hugging, laughing, giggling, mess-making, sleeping

Thank you garbage man!

We were wondering what were going to do with our nasty burned up microwave, and I forgot to put out the trashcans this morning. Thankfully the trash collector came to my door and asked me if I had any trash! I asked if was able to take the old microwave, and he said, "Of course!!" Hooray! It's the little things in life that excite me.

Tomorrow is the annual balloon festival! We'll see who ends up going with me in the morning. I'd like to go every morning, and to at least one balloon glow, but that's very ambitious. We just all had such a good time last year, and I know the girls really want to go. So, we'll see. Liberty has been under the weather and has a nasty cough, so I don't really want to drag her out of bed at 5 in the morning. *must go look up time of sunrise!*

Co-op should be interesting. Its very different from our old co-op. Especially because everyone is going through the same curriculum. It should be very helpful, especially because I can see literature and writing becoming very time-consuming for Ainsley this year. And I think that Liberty needs that extra little bit of social exposure. Kelly is going to be teaching her History class, so that ought to help, I think. I am teaching a class in which I have no students, and no access to the curriculum. I am hoping that I might be able to get my hands on the cds and videos, but there is no guarantee. Nobody seems to have it . . . Hmm, should be interesting. At least I am finally going to get to put four years of college into action, even if its only 45 minutes a week. The plan is also to start teaching my girls piano. I am also thinking about starting a homeschool choir. Its just an idea right now. But I was always really impressed with my sister's homeschool choir, and thought it was something I could do. I am praying about how to go about it. Its something I am considering anyway. I might need to get in touch with my sister's choir director and chat with her about how she got started. It would also be fun to have a little music ensemble. Now that I am getting connected with the local homeschooling community, but brain is turning with ideas. Of course that means I have to actually talk to people. And just the thought gives me hives.

The girls had their first chat with the teach, which also left me feeling a bit ambivalent. Is that the right way to say that?? But there it is. Part of me is really bummed that I didn't get the other teacher. I already have had some really good conversations with her, and I feel like she and I would be friends outside of COVA. But maybe it's better if I cultivate that friendship with her apart from school. I don't have specific complaints about our teacher, so I can't really explain why I feel the way I do. But I am sure as we get to know her better, it will be fine.

I think I am rambling, but there is a lot in my head today.

Oh yes, dinner was delicious! Kelly fixed a double batch of lasagne and brought the second one over to us today. Yum. And I didn't have to do anything but pop it into the oven. Oh, and the sourdough bread from Target was ever so delicious. The girls proclaimed it as good as Disneyland. Which is a high compliment considering my girls could live off the sourdough bread from Disneyland. The bread from Disneyland is made by the Boudin Bakery and is the perfect combination of sour, sweet, crispy, soft, and delicious. Especially warm from the oven. And tonight's bread was so very close. I may have to go have another piece right now. Thanks Kelly!! (And I hope you sleep comfy in your tent tonight!)

Also, I am very pleased by McCain's choice for VP. I'd heard Palin's story right around the time she gave birth to her sweet little baby boy. I was impressed by her then, and am even more so now. I think she was an excellent choice!

I am also praying for my mom and dad today. They had to put down their sweet dalmatian today. My dad has been through so much since January, and this was just one more painful thing for them. I hope that seeing my sister tomorrow will help ease their hearts. I am glad that I can be there a little for my mom, but I wish I could physically give her my shoulder to cry on tonight. Okay, now I need to go get a tissue.


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