Who I am...

Just more rambling from yet another homeschooling mom. I hope that I can honestly share my struggles and triumphs in this journey. I would love to inspire and encourage others, because if I can do it - so can you!!


schooling, cooking, baking, studying, working, photographing, eating, writing, playing, learning, praying, loving, imagining, creating, crying, hugging, laughing, giggling, mess-making, sleeping

I ought to learn to blog earlier in the day

I had a busy busy day, and I feel like I haven't yet recuperated from the zoo trip yesterday. I am so ready for bed.

The girls have been saving their money for months. The older two both had money from the tooth fairy for several teeth, and Ainsley had some birthday dollars saved as well, and we'd decided that after such a great start to school it would be a good time for them to spend their money. They'd both saved enough to purchase webkinz. We literally have not purchased toys for them in months. I don't think they'd gotten anything new save for a very few kids meal toys and a box from Nana and Papa at the beginning of the summer. So this was a very special treat. Even more so because they were able to spend their very own money. And they each went to the cash register, counted out their hard earned cash, and got their very own receipt. Then they promptly came home (after traipsing through a downpour to get to the car!) and logged into webkinz and added their new pet! Melody didn't have money of her own, what with the fact we don't pay them for chores, as we feel it is something they do for the benefit of the family, and she still has all her original teeth! But she was able to pick out her very own Lil'kinz as well, a pink poodle that she has been waiting for nearly a year now.

I feel like they are going to really appreciate these toys, and now just toss them aside in a few short days. In fact, the last toys they got were purchased as a special treat while on our last trip to Utah. They still treasure those toys and play with them almost daily. Now we just need to get around to clearing out the playroom of all the millions of toys they already owned before Mommy decided to become a minimalist! ;)


  1. Kelly Stockwell said...

    Sorry I hung up on you tonight! Hope you get some rest. Talk to you tomorrow!
    Thanks for coming to the shower it meant alot to me!

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