Who I am...

Just more rambling from yet another homeschooling mom. I hope that I can honestly share my struggles and triumphs in this journey. I would love to inspire and encourage others, because if I can do it - so can you!!


schooling, cooking, baking, studying, working, photographing, eating, writing, playing, learning, praying, loving, imagining, creating, crying, hugging, laughing, giggling, mess-making, sleeping

My new gig

I was invited about a month ago by a blogging friend to be a part of a wonderful homeschool resource called The Homeschool Post as part of the team of contributing writers. I was so honored, as I have really admired these gals! They are veteran bloggers and homeschoolers, and I am such a newbie to the blogosphere. My first post is up, and I would like to invite you to subscribe to the blog! If there is anything you think I ought to write about, I am up for the suggestions!

Also, be praying for us next week please, Ainsley has state standardized tests 3 mornings next week, and she is feeling a bit overwhelmed. I am really not concerned about the test results, I just want her to do her best and try hard. She has been having a rough couple of weeks, and has slipped back into some behaviours that I thought we were long past. It hasn't been my finest parenting hours lately, and I am feeling overwhelmed. I covet your prayers, truly!

Oh, and here are some quick pics from our Valentine's day photo shoot. I need to take a picture of their actual Valentine's cards. They were so cute, if I do say so myself!

Happy Valentine's Day

Happy Valentine's Day

Happy Valentine's Day


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