Posted on 2:53 PM
I'm finally sitting down for a moment! I've been baking, cooking, sauteing, and washing all day long. Actually since yesterday!
I am feeling so thankful for a home, a family, modern conveniences, groceries, and a clean table. Even though I have been really sick all week, I am still thankful. Especially for Nyquil.
I should probably try to take pictures and document our yummy meal. Maybe I will even get around to uploading them someday!
And now, I need to go uncover the turkey and pop the dressing and sweet potatoes into the oven.
Have a wonderful Thanksgiving!
Posted on 10:47 PM
URG. urg. urg. urg. urg. urg.
Does that accurately portray what I am currently feeling?
I was in the very last stage of a new pair of flannel jammies for Melody, just needed to gather and sew the sleeves on, when I fiddled with the feed dog mechanism on my machine. Now, it is dead dead dead to all regular sewing. I cannot believe it. I was already frustrated with it because it was refusing to cooperate earlier. I cannot ever get the stupid automatic button holer to work. Oh, how I miss the four step button hole on my mom's machine. But now . . . now, the material will not feed through the machine. I am so completely disgusted.
I looked up several repair shops in the area, and its going to be a minimum of about $90 to $140 to get it repaired!!!!!!!!!!! I can go buy a new machine from Costco for $179. My machine is from 2001, so it isn't ancient or anything. It shouldn't be falling to pieces already. I thought for sure that when I *someday* got a new machine, it would be an upgrade to a real embroidery machine. So much for that idea :S A new machine was so not in the budget. But I have about 10 different sewing projects either in process or that I need to finish before Christmas.
Now I just need to decide if I am going to find a cheap used machine for the time being, or go grab something from Costco or Sam's, or just make due borrowing a machine from a friend to finish the current project.
UGH!!! It just really bugs me that I have taken the whole darn machine apart and I cannot find a reason why it is being difficult. If you know me, you know that I like to be able to fix whatever is broken. And not being able to fix it just makes me want to throw it out the window!!!
And. . . Why is sewing repair and maintenance so incredibly expensive now? I remember I used to take the old machine in for about $30 for standard maintenance. Here the minimum is $69 for basic cleaning!
urg . . . urm. . . ugh